Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lets have a Scratching PARTY!!!

It's been a while fellas and well...I know that if I'm feeling this way, you guys feel the same. I've been having this itch (kinda like the one you get on your back that you can't scratch with your hands so you end up using a hangar to get to it but end up making yourself bleed from the hangar? wait....nvm.) But I've been having this itch to gamble. Soooooo...I was thinking, lets get a poker night on this weekend. Not a friendly game but a REAL game, no cents for blinds, dollars for blinds status. I can see it now Gordon and JR in a hand where Gordon flops a full house and somehow JR bluffs his way to making a straight flush and where the pot is $100 dollars big.

Anyone else down??? If not I'm just gonna watch the Notebook at home while I eat ice-cream and mashed potatoes in my bed.

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