Monday, October 6, 2008

Bubble Wrap Wars

In between 10 hours of watching football, playing several tournaments on Full Tilt Poker, playing Madden on 360, and eating hella food, we found ourselves mashing on our iPhones for several hours trying to beat each other's high score on BUBBLE WRAP. It was serious.

Then Bennah said, "What if some random people came in and saw us all playing Bubble Wrap? They'd probably think we were hella weird. (LOLz)"

So I said fuck it, Imma record us all playing so everyone can see. So here it is...haha

By the way, Ben ended up with the high score 214 but I didn't get it on film. Sorry Ben.

I made this video straight from the iSight on my MacBook Pro using the Photo Booth program and editing the footage on iMovie. This was the very first time I've ever used iMovie and all I did was look up a couple video tutorials off the Apple website and played around with it for a couple hours and it was pretty easy.

So if you haven't yet, get yourself a Mac and an iPhone and download Bubble Wrap. Apple FTW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nevermind football sunday.. it's now bubblewrapoker sunday!!!